What is this program?
The comprehensive empowerment of adolescent girls living in slums is mobilized through adolescent girl’s collectives with specific objectives and intervention.
For example, the adolescent girls are facilitated with awareness of their body and mind while they go through their transition from childhood to adolescent. This is done by making them understand the changing physical and mental profile, the context of their community in living so that they can make informed choices. Achieving excellence in academics, enhance their talents & skills, clarity on their goals in life, accesses to trainings and capacity buildings for self-cultivation are some of the objectives of this program, including training them in sports with a special focus on football.
How do we do this?
Generally the adolescent girls issues are reduced to menstrual health issues whereas Maarga endeavours to build their self-agency and leadership.
​What do we do?
Adolescent girls are mobilized under collectives of 20 in a learning centre based on their age and class. Every day, there is 2 hours of activity based learning. Subject experts, trainers are invited to interact with adolescent girls in building awareness and knowledge facilitation. Adolescent girls are supported to develop their study skills, inherent talents and social education through participatory methods.
Current Status
4 Adolescent girls' learning centers is functioning for the last 3 years in Rajendra Nagar slum in Koramangala. Presently about 60 adolescent girls (10-16 years old), going through various difficulties, attend these centers That apart another 50 children are part of our intervention directly in the schools. Also, 25 girls learn football on alternate days from 5 A.M to 7 A.M. We have a computer center and a library with a computer tutor to support these children in learning.